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Types of fields
Derek avatar
Written by Derek
Updated over a year ago

Parallel templates are built with fields, which fit together like Lego pieces.

Just like in Lego, there are different types of fields (pieces), with different colors.

First, you must learn the difference between the text block field, and the rest of the fields.

  • The text block field is like a Word document – they are the only field that does not require an answer/input. It is used to add headings, sections, clauses, and in general, the body of your contract, which you will want to output in the final PDF.

  • The rest of the fields are questions that require an answer/input. These fields will be used to ask the necessary questions to complete specific information (for example, recipient name, price, date, etc.).

  • And finally, you should know about the Group of fields, which allows you to group fields so that your recipient can add related information in a group within the form.

We have created this brief guide to describe each field you can include in a parallel, together with an image of how to add them and how the recipients will see them when they receive your parallels. Let's get started!

πŸ”΅ Text block

Text blocks help you and your recipients distinguish between the different sections and subsections of the parallel.

You can add a block text with a title, to start a section and the text you need. These text blocks can be useful to include paragraphs or long texts with relevant information, such as contract clauses or more extensive explanations.

As you can see, you can allow comments in these fields to allow certain text or clauses of the parallel to be negotiable.

In addition, you can include page breaks in a text block to create a completely new section and make it easier to structure the information.


Once added and configurate the text block will look like the following image:

🟑 Short replies

As the name suggests, the short replies field is useful for questions with specific answers that will be short and concise.

You can add a format in the Field settings to ensure a format in the replies. That is, if it is an email, Social security number, bank account number... only answers that comply with the selected format will be accepted.

Once added the field will look like the following image:

🟠 Long replies

The long replies field is intended for those questions where you need a longer answer from the recipients and requires more than one line. Such as descriptions, addresses, etc.

By using this field, recipients will have a larger space to develop their answers and include several lines if needed.

🟒 Documents and files

This field allows recipients to attach any documents and files you need, such as copies of ID cards, contracts, photos or any other type of document or file.

This will allow uploading or dragging and dropping the documents and files you need. Files can be uploaded up to a limit of 50MB per field.

In addition, if you activate the option "Attach files to PDF", the pdf documents or images uploaded to that field will be automatically attached to the final document.

πŸŸͺ Multiple choice

The options field allows you to choose between one or more options. It also allows you to set the number of answers, either an exact number, a range or an unlimited number.

The recipient will see a list of possible answers and can choose from them.

Often, this field is used with conditions that display the corresponding question depending on what has been answered. If you want to know more, this article explains how they work.

🟣 Select

Select fields also allow you to enter a list of options, but as its name suggests, as a drop-down. Generally, we recommend using this field when you have a listing with more than 5-6 options.

Once added, the select will look like the following image:

πŸ“… Date

The date field ensures that a date-formatted response is entered.

Once added, the date field will look like the following image:

πŸ“ž Phone number

The phone number field ensures that a response is entered with the appropriate telephone number format for each country.

Once added the phone number field will look like the following image:

πŸ”’ Numbers

The number field only allows you to answer with numbers. It can be used whenever a numerical quantity is needed, e.g. prices, percentages, etc.

In the field settings, you can adjust the amount by setting the number of decimal allowed, limiting a range of values or adding a symbol to accompany the answer (%,€, $, etc.).

Once added the phone number field will look like the following image:

πŸ“‘ Tax documents

The Tax Documents field lets you quickly obtain documents downloaded directly from the AEAT (Spanish Tax Agency), ensuring their veracity.

This field works through an integration with third parties, which, by entering only the name and ID of the person, accesses the AEAT to collect the documents you need.

Once added the phone number field will look like the following image:

πŸ”— Conditional select

With Conditional select, you can answer different dropdowns that adapt their options according to the previous answer.

For example, if the dropdown menus are a list of States and cities, when selecting Arizona, only the cities corresponding to that state will be shown.

To configure this field, select the Field settings, and create an Excel file with the answers you need. You will find an example of the Excel you need to upload in this field.


The Excel table must follow the following format:

  • First row: The values will be used as the title of the options.

  • Columns: The left column is the first option that the recipient will have to choose. It is also used to group the values from the right column. To import the options correctly, the value in the left column must be repeated for each nested option in the right column. To create more levels of nested options, add as many columns as you need.


Once the file is imported, the field will look like the following image:


πŸ” Background check

You can add a "Background Check" field in your form to scan through thousands of national and international listings for individuals who are sanctioned or suspected of money laundering, as well as for Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs). This enables you to identify potential matches with the identification details of your prospective clients or suppliers, ensuring a more secure and compliant process.

The Background Check step is commonly used in KYC/KYB (Know Your Customer/Business) processes to verify the legitimacy of business relationships.


πŸ—ƒοΈ Group of fields

The Group of fields allows you to group several fields so that, upon completion, the recipient can select the βž• Add button, and the same group of questions will be added to complete with other data.

For example, if recipients have to give you the same data for several different companies (company name, VAT number and corporate address), you can create a Group of fields with these 3 fields and recipients can add the data for as many companies as they need to.

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