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How to enable the eSignature
How to enable the eSignature

In this article you will learm how you can add the eSignature in Parallel and its different configuration options.

Martina avatar
Written by Martina
Updated over 2 months ago

Parallel combines information gathering with electronic document signing, providing a 100% online experience for your clients, suppliers, and employees.

Sometimes when requesting information, we need the final document to be signed, or we may even use the information we collect to generate a signed document. For example, a contract or agreement between different parties.

In any case, with Parallel, it is possible to add a eSignature process. We have native integrations with electronic signature solutions, so that you can use them with one simple feature and your recipients can enjoy a streamlined and 100% online experience.

💡 Electronic signature integration is only available under request.

If you're interested in this feature, please contact us through the chat in the bottom right corner.

Adding eSignature to a template

Let's see how to activate and configure it step by step.

Access the template where you want to configure the signature, go to the Settings tab, and add the eSignature process.

When adding it, a window will appear with different configuration options:

1️⃣ eSignature provider: This option only appears when there is more than one signature provider in your account. Currently, Parallel has native integrations with Signaturit and Docusign.

For testing purposes, you can choose Signaturit Sandbox, which doesn't consume credits but has no legal validity.

2️⃣ Which document do you want to sign?: Here you can choose whether to sign the document created from the parallel responses or upload a PDF and sign that document.

  1. Document generated from responses: If you select this option, Parallel will generate a document using the form responses and send it for signature.

    This option is recommended for all processes created in Parallel that involve interaction with the recipient.

  2. I will upload a document when launching the signature: This option allows you to load a PDF document that you've created outside of Parallel and sign it through our platform.

    If you choose this option, note that you won't be able to insert any parallel responses into the document. Also, once the PDF is signed, you cannot modify the final document. If you need to make changes, you must reload the document and start the signature process again.

3️⃣ Title of the document (OPTIONAL): This title will be used as the document header and will name the signed file.

4️⃣ When do you want the eSignature to start? Here you can choose when to send the document generated from responses for signature.

  1. After the parallel is completed: Once all required information is completed, the recipient will initiate the signature process.

    We recommend this option for processes where speed is important and review isn't necessary.

  2. After reviewing the information: This option requires manually starting the signature from the REVIEW tab.

    We recommend this option for processes where it's important to review that the information is correct before signing the document.

Depending on your choices, a new window (2/2) will appear with the remaining configuration options:

5️⃣ Is there a minimum number of signers? Select the minimum number of signers.

If you already know that the document must be signed by a minimum of 2 signers (because there's at least a seller and a buyer, for example), you can set a minimum number of signers for the template.

This feature helps prevent users from making mistakes when sending documents for signature. For example, it ensures that both parties are included.

6️⃣ How do you want Parallel to send the signatures?

  1. All at the same time: All signers will receive the document at the same time (in parallel)

  2. In order, signing one by one: Each signer will receive the document sequentially in the order you establish, after the previous person has signed.

7️⃣ Allow recipients to add additional signers: This option will only appear if, in the previous window, you set that the parallel should be signed "Upon completing the parallel."

8️⃣ Add instructions: Instructions help other users and recipients understand who needs to sign the document. These instructions are generic for the template and will always appear before selecting signers and sending the document for signature.

9️⃣ Include contacts who always sign the document: This option allows you to add signers who will always need to sign the parallels from this template (for example, your organization's legal representative).

⚠️ Note that when you configure the signature in a template, all parallels created from that template will have eSignature activated with your chosen configuration.

Add eSignature to a parallel

If you want to modify or add the signature to a specific parallel only, you can do it in two different ways:

Option 1: From the COMPOSE tab

  1. Go to Settings and, as we did in the template, you can Add the eSignature, or if it's already there, select the Edit button to modify it.

  2. You can configure your signature process following the steps explained above.

Option 2: From the REVIEW tab

  1. Go to the eSignature box. Whether there's no signature activated or the previous one was canceled, you'll find a button with the ➕ icon. Clicking this button will add a new signature process.

  2. A window will open to configure this new signature process:

    • If there's no signature activated, you can activate it following the steps explained above.

    • If you've canceled the signature, it will load the previous signature configuration and the recipients to whom you've already sent the parallel. If they're correct, you can click directly on "Start signature."

If you want to know more about electronic signature and the states that may appear, you can go to our article: Check the status of an electronic signature.

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