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Link Your Templates with Profiles
Link Your Templates with Profiles

Learn how to easily link your templates with profiles to store and organize the information collected in the parallels.

Martina avatar
Written by Martina
Updated over 7 months ago

With profiles, you can store the information you collect in parallels and organize it into profiles.

If you're not familiar with what Profiles are, check out this article.

If you want to automate the storage of parallel data into profiles, you can set it up directly from the template.

Let's walk through the step-by-step process of linking your templates with profiles.

Preparation Steps

Before anything else, keep in mind that only field groups can be linked to profiles.

To do this, we'll organize our template by grouping the information you're asking for into categories like people, companies, or contract information (if applicable).

Ask yourself, "Whose information am I asking for here?"

Each group you create will correspond to information that goes into a profile.

Now, with our groups created, let's link each group to profiles and relate them to each other:

For example, in a KYB (Know Your Business) process, I might ask for information from different entities:

  • One group for customer information.

  • Another for representatives, allowing the addition of multiple representatives.

  • Another to identify the beneficial owners.

  • And so on.

Now, with our groups created, let's link each group to profiles and relate them to each other:

Linking the Group with Profiles

1️⃣ From the template editing screen, add a field group.

💡 Remember that only field groups can be linked to profiles.

2️⃣ Associate it with a profile type.

Select the "Link with profile" button.

3️⃣ Choose the profile type you want to link the data to and give it a name to identify who you're profiling.

For example:

Profile type: Individual

Group name: Beneficial Owner

4️⃣ Add all the fields you need.

By default, all available fields for that profile will load, and you just need to click to add them.

Remember: Responses to all fields with this icon will be automatically saved in the profile.

If you want to ask a question but don't want the information to be stored, you can add a field outside the profile from the "New Field" tab.

These fields are very useful for not losing the potential of visibility conditions.

For example:

I can add an options field to ask, "Are you married?"

If they answer yes -> ask for their spouse's name and ID number.

5️⃣ Set up relationships between profiles

From the ‘Set up relationships’ button in the group field settings, you can relate all groups to each other.

This way, when you close the parallel and create profiles with the information, they will also be correctly linked.

For example:

Legal Entity Client (Direct or indirect property) <-> Individual (Beneficial Owner)

And that's it!

You can now launch your parallels as usual and complete the responses.

When you're done, remember to close the parallel and indicate where you want to store the information for each group.

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