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Angela avatar
Written by Angela
Updated over a week ago

To get more control over the status of your parallels and what is happening in each of them, you can check your notifications.

Just click on the bell icon at the bottom left of your main screen.

If a purple dot appears in the little bell, you have notifications pending to be read.



Notification column utilities

  1. Read / Unread: The notifications that you have already consulted and read will appear with a white background, and those that you have not read will appear with a slightly darker background and a purple dot.

Notificación leída:

Notificación no leída:


2. Mark several notifications as read: At the bottom of the notifications column, you will find the "Mark all as read" button. This button will mark all the notifications in the column as read.


3. Mark notifications individually as read or unread: If you hover over one of the notifications, you will see a button with an envelope icon on the upper right side of the notification. When clicked, it will be marked as read or unread, as appropriate.

Mark as read:

Mark as unread:


4. Filter by the type of notifications you want to view: You can filter the type of notifications you want to view at the top of the column.


The available categories by which you can filter your notifications are:

  • "Unread": shows only your unread notifications.

  • "Comments": notifications of comments from your recipient and internal comments from your colleagues.

  • "Completed": notifications of completed parallels and completed eSignatures.

  • "Shared": notifications which indicate that someone has shared a parallel with you or with a group to which you belong.

  • "Others": are all those notifications that are not classified among the above, for example, signatures that have been cancelled, e-mails that could not be sent due to some kind of error or recipients who have unsubscribed from reminders.

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